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Can't change command line.emipsevbarmUnable to load board db.Known boards (for -o board=...) are: evbmipsews4800mipsNetBSD/ews4800mips 20040611Reading `%s' : short readhp300/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/hp300.chp300_setbootFailed to allocate memory for disklabelTarget filesystem `%s' is unexpectedAllocating %lu bytes for block listSecondary bootstrap `%s' is emptySecondary bootstrap `%s' doesn't have contiguous blocksBootstrap `%s' found at offset %lu in `%s' reading disklabelInvalid disklabel in %sNo BOOT partitionBOOT partition too small (%llu < %llu)mmapping `%s'LIF entry %d larger (%u %u) than LIF fileWriting boot filesystem of `%s'Writing boot filesystem of `%s': short writehppa/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/hppa.chppa_clearboot%slearing bootstrap hppa_setbootNo disklabel in `%s'Partition `a' doesn't exist in %sPartition `a' of `%s' exceeds 2GB boundary.It won't boot since hppa PDC can handle only 2GB.Bootstrap start sector: %#x Bootstrap byte count: %#zx i386amd64/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/i386.ci386_setbootstage1 bootstrap `%s' (%u bytes) is larger than 8192 bytesstage1 bootstrap `%s' (%u bytes) is too smallReading `%s': short read, %ld bytes (should be %ld)Ignoring PBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `%s' Data in mbr partition table of new bootstrapData in label part of new bootstrapInvalid magic in stage1 bootstrap %x != %xNo BPB in new bootstrap %02x:%02x:%02x, use -f (may invalidate filesystem)Insufficient reserved space before FAT (%u bytes available), use -f (may invalidate filesystem)Old BPB too big, use -f (may invalidate filesystem)invalid console name, valid names are: %s, %sPatch area in stage1 bootstrap is too smallcom0com1com2com3com0kbdcom1kbdcom2kbdcom3kbdautoBoot options: timeout %d, flags %x, speed %d, ioaddr %x, console %d console %s keymap %s Cannot enable writes to the label sectorWriting `%s': short write, %u bytesi386_editbootInvalid magic in existing bootstrapWriting `%s': short write, %zd bytes (should be %zu)landisk/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/landisk.clandisk_setbootstage1 bootstrap `%s' is larger than 8192 bytesIgnoring MBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `%s' Allocating %zu bytesInvalid magic in stage1 boostrap %x != %xPartition table has non-zero byte at offset %d in `%s'/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/macppc.cmacppc_clearbootNetBSD/macppc bootxx 20020515macppc_setbootwriteapplepartmapbb_params != NULLbb != NULLCan't read sector 0 of `%s'Can't write sector 0 of `%s'AppleApple_partition_mapCan't write Apple Partition Map into sector 1 of `%s'NetBSDNetBSD/macppcPowerPCCan't write Apple Partition Map into sector 2 of `%s'news68knewsmips/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/news.cnews68k_clearbootNetBSD/news68k bootxx 20020518news_copydisklabelbbparams != NULLReading label sector from `%s'news68k_setbootnewsmips_clearbootNetBSD/newsmips bootxx 20020518newsmips_setbootnext68k/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/next68k.cnext68k_setbootDisklabel checksum invalid on `%s'Boot program is larger than front porch spaceBoot programm locations%s: %d %d updatedWriting boot program at %d Writing `%s' at %dWriting `%s' at %d: short writeWriting updated labelpmax/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/pmax.cpmax_clearbootOld boot block magic number invalid; boot block invalidpmax_setbootBootstrap start sector: %u Bootstrap sector count: %u Bootstrap load address: %#x Bootstrap exec address: %#x No ELF header in `%s'sparc/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/sparc.csparc_clearbootNetBSD/sparc bootxx 20020515sparc_clearheadersparc_setbootsparc_setheadersparc64/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/sparc64.csparc64_clearboot`-b bno' and `-B bno' are not supported for %ssparc64_setbootBootstrap byte count: %u sun2sun3/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/sun68k.csun68k_clearbootNetBSD/sun68k bootxx 20020515sun68k_setbootvax/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/vax.cvax_clearbootvax_setboot`%s': too largex68k/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/arch/x68k.cx68k_clearbootNetBSD/x68k bootxx 20020601x68k_clearheaderx68k_setbootBootstrap byte count: %#x Found board '%s' from DTB data. Found board '%s' from OFW data. Must specify board=.../home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/evboards.cevb_db_get_boardboard_name != NULLUnknown board '%s'Board: %s evb_db_list_boardsboard != NULL%-30s %s (u-boot package found at %s) (install the sysutils/u-boot-%s package) Must specify media=... for board '%s'media=... is not a valid option for board '%s'%s-%sinvalid media specification: '%s'Valid media types:evb_board_get_uboot_installarray != NULLevb_board_copy_uboot_mediaiter != NULLstring != NULLNo u-boot package found for board '%s'Please install the sysutils/u-boot-%s package.Max u-boot offset (rounded): %lld (%lld) First free block available for file systems: %lld (0x%llx) Loading '%s'. evb_db_load_baseboard_db != NULLunable to parse board db '%s'invalid board object in '%s': '%s'%s/%s/boards.plistvalidate_board_objectv != NULLNo u-boot search path?Unable to search u-boot path%s/installboot.plistevb_uboot_pkg_pathspathspec != NULLi == countunable to parse overlay '%s'evb_db_load_overlay%s: unable to find node '/'compatible%s: no 'compatible' property on node '/'Checking FDT compatible string '%s'. evb_db_get_board_from_dtb*board_namep != NULLload_dtbbuf != NULLChecking OFW compatible string '%s'. OFIOCFINDDEVICE('%s')OFIOCGET('%s')%s/%sDefaulting input-block-size and output-block-size to sectorsize (%u) Defaulting output-block-size to input-block-size (%zu) Defaulting input-block-size to output-block-size (%zu) output-block-size (%zu) is not a multiple of device sector size (%u)input-{block+pad}-size (%zu) is larger than output-block-size (%zu)output-block-size (%zu) it not a multiple of input-{block+pad}-size (%zu)open '%s'fstat '%s'file size (%lld) is larger than output-size (%lu)Writing '%s' %lld @ %luto '%s' @ %lu Writing '%s' %lld to '%s' @ %lu lseek '%s' @ %lu(Reading '%s' -- %zu @ %lld) pread '%s'(Writing '%s' -- %zu @ %lld) pwrite '%s'close '%s'descriptionu-boot-pkgruntime-u-boot-pathu-boot-installfile-namefile-offsetfile-sizeimage-offsetinput-block-sizeinput-pad-sizeoutput-sizeoutput-block-sizepreserve/usr/share/installboot/dev/openfirmlinux,phandle/aliasesFDT_ERR_NOTFOUNDFDT_ERR_EXISTSFDT_ERR_NOSPACEFDT_ERR_BADOFFSETFDT_ERR_BADPATHFDT_ERR_BADPHANDLEFDT_ERR_BADSTATEFDT_ERR_TRUNCATEDFDT_ERR_BADMAGICFDT_ERR_BADVERSIONFDT_ERR_BADSTRUCTUREFDT_ERR_BADLAYOUTFDT_ERR_INTERNALFDT_ERR_BADNCELLSFDT_ERR_BADVALUEFDT_ERR_BADOVERLAYFDT_ERR_NOPHANDLESFDT_ERR_BADFLAGS/home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/bbinfo.cshared_bbinfo_clearboot(strlen(bbparams->magic) + 1) == 32Allocating %lu bytes for bbinfoshared_bbinfo_setbootName of secondary bootstrap not provided`%s' cannot be larger than %lu bytesELF`%s' is an ELF executable; need raw binary%s bbinfo structure not found in `%s'%s bbinfo structure in `%s' has preposterous size `%u'Secondary bootstrap `%s' blocks do not have a uniform sizeBootstrap block table: %u entries of %u bytes available, %u used: %llu %sriting bootstrap Media is %d bytes/sector. RAID is only supported on 512 bytes/sector media./home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/ffs.cffs_findstage2The secondary bootstrap `%s' must be in /(Path must be relative to the file system in `%s')Could not find secondary bootstrap `%s' in `%s'ffs_match_commonffs_read_disk_blocksize > 0Reading block %llu in `%s'Reading block %llu in `%s': short readffs_find_disk_blocks_ufs2callback != NULLBad inopb %d in superblock in `%s'Inode %llu in `%s' ran out of blocks?ffs_findstage2_ino_ino != NULLffs_find_disk_blocks_ufs1ffs_findstage2_blocks_state != NULLSecondary bootstrap `%s' has too many blocks (max %d) /home/source/ab/netbsd-10-llvm/src/usr.sbin/installboot/cd9660.ccd9660_matchReading primary descriptor in `%s'Reading primary descriptor in `%s': short readCD001Filesystem `%s' is not ISO9660 formatInvalid blocksize %d in `%s'cd9660_findstage2The secondary bootstrap `%s' must be in / on filesystem `%s'Reading root directory record in `%s'Reading root directory record in `%s': short readCan't find secondary bootstrap `%s' in filesystem `%s';0 H`DpX @8PhH(4Dt(p@ӔXpԜ԰h(,@XpP T 0 HD ` x     p 8 Ph hT L !@ # $( $ )l + (/ @0h X1T p7 > ? AD A A D E 0E HF `FL xF F G< G G H, H| H 8U P[ h[ ^ _L _ bt c e`ef4g0Lh,di(|ij,l l<lnop(q@rhXspstuvwwxy0yH|`|x}X | 8lP h8d,(p@Xpx0T0H`xXĀɀ xzRx A - 4A - LplA - dhA - |`A - A -  A - tA - tA - HtA -  tA - $XA - <@$A - TLA - lA - A - `A - dA - \A - A - |A - DA - ,($C - D4\\xpl`A - A - A - A - hA - A - A - ,A - DpC - \h A - tC - ݨXC - C - DA - ,A - A - |A - |A - 4tA - LA - d|A - ||A - d|A - |A - ,A - A - ,A -  A - $0|A - <|A - TA - lA - C - tC - tA - @tA - A - TA -  C - ,$hA - D%A - \%A - t+A - 308A - 3P4A - 5lPA - 5PA - 5,A - 7A - 9A - 498A - L98A - d9PA - |:PA - :<PA - :tPA - :PA - :PA - ;PA -  ;TTA - $; A -  |p L \ <|l ~  t t  xt   @    ɩ -8& (@< .4P e  {    & 5  ?  K  U  b* sB ɂ W Ɏr ɠ  Kp o  (H h {$ t }* 08@ @Ufw@ P,@f o0 oD   Ph@ u%-   >DLR ] 8Pt00 ,( <t0 [T T 4, p019 d8RZ TTh J` $`N  1P" ` P  . 4 8P0 B P [ b U t     6  Qp   ,8 @0   P   <  D$ 3 ;P0 J  V0 d@0 r z     ^   P  `   4tQ o0   ? 0 \ C H Y f n T 0  N  |P      F4  <P `0 oD & 9 8 ? 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