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Trying BOOTPARAMS protocol... ip address: %s, hostname: %s, netmask: %s, gateway: %s, hostname: %s rootroot addr=%s path=%s peerchildparentinstance-to-packagegetproplengetpropsetpropnextpropfinddeviceinstance-to-pathpackage-to-pathcall-methodopenclosetesttest-methodreadOF_write(len = %d) writeseekOF_bootbootOF_boot failedenterexitOF_exit failedSUNW,power-offOF_poweroff failedset-callbackset-symbol-lookupinterpretmillisecondsclaim%lx pgmap@ %lx L!%lx %x %lx %lx map-pagesMapping kernel: %s Mapping %lx -> %lx (%d pages) %d obmem %lx L!Cycle 5 IPbanner-nameCycle Computer Corporation???Patching %s for %s (%s) Patching %s for %s %sOBP0OBP2OBP3OFWSUNW,JavaStation-1SUNW,JDM1SUNW,SPARCstation-5SUNW,JSIIepsound device node: " /pci/ebus/sound" ' find-device catch 0= if device-end " ok" else 0 0 0 0 " /pci/ebus" begin-package " sound" name 200000 1 600 reg end-package " created" then typeSUNW,CS4231: renaming out of the way" /iommu/sbus/SUNW,CS4231@3,c000000" find-device " fakeCS4231" name device-endcpu: creating node 0 0 0 0 " /" begin-package " FMI,MB86904" device-name " cpu" device-type 0 " mid" integer-property 8 " sparc-version" integer-property 4 " version" integer-property 0 " implementation" integer-property 4 " psr-version" integer-property 0 " psr-implementation" integer-property d# 100000000 " clock-frequency" integer-property d# 4096 " page-size" integer-property d# 256 " mmu-nctx" integer-property 2 " ncaches" integer-property d# 512 " icache-nlines" integer-property d# 32 " icache-line-size" integer-property 1 " icache-associativity" integer-property d# 512 " dcache-nlines" integer-property d# 16 " dcache-line-size" integer-property 1 " dcache-associativity" integer-property 0 0 " cache-physical?" property 0 0 " cache-coherence?" property end-packageeeprom: adding "model"dev /obio/eeprom " mk48t08" model device-endle: deleting bogus "interrupts"dev /sbus/ledma/le " interrupts" delete-property device-endsu: adding "interrupts"dev /obio/su d# 13 " interrupts" integer-property device-end8042: adding "interrupts"dev /obio/8042 d# 13 " interrupts" integer-property device-endzs: renaming out of the way" /obio/zs@0,0" find-device " fakezs" name " /obio/zs@0,100000" find-device " fakezs" name device-end" /obio/su" find-device d# 13 " interrupts" integer-attribute device-end8042: creating node0 0 0 0 " /obio" begin-package " 8042" name 300060 0 8 reg d# 13 " interrupts" integer-attribute end-package%s: short packet, %zu < %ld %s: must mount first. nfs%s: 'whoami' call failed %s: short reply, %zd < %d %s: bad socket. %d No response for RARP request sparcNetBSD:%s:libsa%s: unknown vendor %p %s: no reply DHCPREQUEST failed %s: reject, astat=%d, errno=%d %s: %s%s: error = %d read header failed: %s read header shortELF=0x%lx open %s%s: bad write (%zd != %zu)lseek text%ldread textseek text/%d+%ldread dataseek data+[%ldread symbolsseek symbolsread string table+%d]symbol table too shortread stringsseek stringslseek section headersread section headerslseek sectionread section+ [%s%lu+%lu.SUNW_ctf%s%ld]Unknown error: code %dbad adaptor numberbad controller numberbad drive numberbad partitioncan't read disk labelunlabeledDevice not configuredOperation not permittedNo such file or directoryStale NFS file handleInappropriate file type or formatExec format errorInput/output errorInvalid argumentNot a directoryinvalid file offsetPermission denied%s: overflowed arp_list! %s: no response for %s%s: short write! (%zd < %zu)1.3.1|/-\heap full (%p+%zu)unknown compression methodunknown header flags setincorrect header checkinvalid window sizeheader crc mismatchinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthstoo many length or distance symbolsinvalid code lengths setinvalid bit length repeatinvalid code -- missing end-of-blockinvalid literal/lengths setinvalid distances setinvalid literal/length codeinvalid distance codeinvalid distance too far backincorrect data checkincorrect length check 9o9o9o9o9o99o99o8`99o9p9p9p 9p9p9q@9qX9tX9tp9t9t9u9u9uX9ux9u9u9u9v@9v9v10.99.12NetBSD/sparc Secondary Boot1.15 (Wed Mar 5 14:01:55 UTC 2025) nfs_opennfs_readdata@` bp_whoamirarp_getipaddressbootprecvbootprpc_getportrecvrpcrpc_callsendudpNetBSDc9zpd9ze9zf9zg9zh9z9z9{9{ F9{@O9{X9{9{9{9{i9{ 9{sendiparpwhohassendrecv0123456789abcdefA@!  @a`10  @`Psp0  ` @ X ;x8 h( H T+t4  d$ D \ S|< l,  L R#r2  b" B Z Cz: j*  J V@3v6 f& F  ^ c~> n. N `Qq1  a! 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